Orientation Week Blues

Work in Progress Wednesday

I had my college orientation this week, and I got a Wii U, so I’ve been busy and not doing a lot of crafts.


Hyrule Warriors Scarf

I’m still plugging away on this. I got quite a bit done at my college orientation, and I’ll be working on it at the RWBY showing I’m going to tonight, so hopefully I’ll make some noticeable progress (the thread it so tiny!)


Spiral Cowl

I haven’t been working on this as much as I should – otherwise it would be done! – because its not as mindless as the Hyrule Warriors Scarf. But I’m almost done! Maybe this afternoon I’ll finish.



I finished my Belle Bomber so you should check that out! And I finally got up decent photos of

The Gamer’s Week

Work in Progress Wednesday

We had some friends over last Friday for what we like to call a “crafty day” where everyone sits around and does their own craft and we chat and eat food. I got quite a lot of stuff done then and since its still my summer vacation, I’m still getting a lot done.

But I also started my first job yesterday (eight whole hours!) so that’s been keeping me busy (and sore).

Bombs Away

Work in Progress Wednesday

I did a lot of sewing this week, a lot, and barely got any knitting (or anything else….) done. I’m having a craft party on Friday, which is not the best time to use a sewing machine, so hopefully I will get some other stuff done then.


Shelly’s Shawl

The first of two Esjan (pattern by Stephen West) shawls that I’m working on. This one only needs cast off. Its a very belated prayer shawl for a friend.

I plan to cast off during the party Friday.

Candy Loops

The other Esjan which is for me in bright, metallic yarn.




All I have left for this capelet is a bit of messing with the collar, and tightening up a seam in the under arm (and then actually posting about it).

A Study In Scarlet

I’m debating if I want to actually finish the very end of the underarms on this or not. I probably should, but they don’t show (at all!) and they really look like they’re going to be a pain…..

Belle Bomber

This I’m making out of scrap fabric that I got dirt cheap at a thrift store (I actually think at least one of the bits used to be curtains), as practice before I get started on the one with the fabric I actually paid decent money for (the purple stuff).

My goal on this is to have the liner and the outside completely finished by Friday, so that during the party I can iron the seams (and maybe tack some of them down by hand). I’m bagging the lining because the pattern didn’t come with its own liner, unfortunately.

Its called the Belle bomber because the velvet and brocade fabrics remind me of 18th century France, which is when Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is set.

Rapunzel’s Bomber

The bomber with fabric I actually paid more for (its in two shades of purple, hence the reference to Rapunzel’s purple dress in Tangled). I think I might buy some flower brocade that I saw the other day and add some flowers on for decoration.

The Burrow

DIY, finished knitting project, Harry Potter, knitting, knitting pattern, nerdy knitting, Ravelry, Uncategorized


This simple, bulky, and unblocked scarf will transport you to the warmth and comfort of the Weasley’s home.

View on Ravelry

Fourth Doctor (Scarf) Blanket

Doctor Who, fandom, finished knitting project, finished project, knitting
Tara Wheeler's Season Twelve Scarf

Tara Wheeler’s Season Twelve Scarf

I make no secret of my love of all things nerdy and fandom-related, so a few years back I decided I needed to make a Fourth Doctor Scarf. Diligently I researched and found the perfect yarn, and found a website entitled Witty Little Knitter by Tara Wheeler (I can no longer find the site, but her Ravelry is still operational.) If you don’t know, Tom Baker wore several versions of the scarf over his term as the Doctor, but for my scarf I settled on Season Twelve.

Work in Progress Wednesday

fandom, Games, Harry Potter, Legend of Zelda, sewing, wip, Work in Progress Wednesday

If you follow my book blog The Writing Crafter, you’ll know that I recently had thyroid surgery and in recovering from that haven’t been doing much. I’ve barely read, most of my blog posts are drafts that I scheduled and wrote before my surgery, and most of what I’ve done has been playing video games and texting.

New Pattern: Snow Drop Cowl

finished knitting project, finished project, knitting, knitting pattern, Ravelry

This is the prettiest thing I’ve ever designed, if I do say so myself (and I can so I shall!). The Snow Drop cowl is knit up quickly with large needles, so there’s no worrying about time constraints. You could easily make it in a few hours.