New Pattern: Snow Drop Cowl

finished knitting project, finished project, knitting, knitting pattern, Ravelry

This is the prettiest thing I’ve ever designed, if I do say so myself (and I can so I shall!). The Snow Drop cowl is knit up quickly with large needles, so there’s no worrying about time constraints. You could easily make it in a few hours.

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Its just a basic cable with a repeating pattern which you then add a liner two in one of two methods. If you have trouble with anything don’t hesitate to let me know. I hope its explanatory (lots of photos) but I am fully aware that my mind works much differently than ‘normal’ people.

Picking up the Stitches for Liner Option Two

The liner (blue in my photos) has two liners, one of which is a bit more complicated than the other. Here’s how I wrote it in the pattern:


Turn work sideways, so that the edge – three stitches in stockinette stich – are facing toward you.

Stretch the stitches apart, picking up a stitch every other horizontal line.

Knit until you have three inches. Cast off. Repeat this process on the other edge, then sew the two ends together in the middle.



Snow Drop Instructions 1

Where my finger points is where you’re picking up stitches.

20160109_153443You want to look at your knitting like this. See the horizontal lines that the arrows point to? We’re viewing those as stitches. In the center stitch you stretch it apart and pick up every other horizontal line.

These are your ‘stitches’ and now you turn the work so that the right side faces you and knit across.


It’s important that the first row is knit with the right side facing you.

You repeat this process twice, so that you have two flaps (three inches or half the width of your project each), which you are then are going to fold so that the cast off edges meet and then stitch them however you would like.

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