A Study In Scarlet Caplet

finished project, sewing, Sherlock Holmes

img_4949Initially, this was going to be called the “Red Nancy Drew Jacket” because it looks like something the infamous sleuth would wear, however, I began to realize, as I was piecing it together, that it also looked like something that Sherlock Holmes would wear (or at least, if he was a female). So I changed the name to reflect one of Sherlock’s most infamous stories (and his first).

img_4947I’m so totally in love with this coat that its not even funny. I want to wear it all the time which isn’t even possible right now because of the weather (when I photographed this thing it was over 80 degrees fahrenheit outside). I’m a bit afraid that the sleeves will be annoying or too bulky to wear under my backpack straps this fall, but I’m going to try and pray that it works, because its too nice not to.


The Pattern


  • 3 yards red fabric
    • It was stretchy in one direction and there were times I wanted to MURDER it
  • 1 yard black fabric
    • I lined the sleeves rather than do a rolled hem
  • McCall’s M7291 Pattern
  • Buttons (mine were steampunk themed)

img_4948For the most part I followed the pattern exactly, only altering a few times (either because I didn’t want to do a certain technique or because the pattern was unclear so I decided to run with it and do my own thing).

Its a pretty simple pattern, although, for being a “Learn to Sew” pattern that was supposed to teach things, I found myself having to google a lot and the main thing that it was supposed to teach me – using bias tape to sew an underarm sleeve, is a pretty specific skill. I don’t see myself using it often enough to have made this just to learn that.

Alterations & Problems

  • I didn’t make the belt they called for
    • Instead, I’m using a black belt that I already owned (it looks better and I’m too lazy to make theirs)
  • I wish it had a liner though the whole thing.
    • It itches at the neck where I sewed the collar on, and I had to pin that seam down to prevent it from showing.
    • If I make it again, and I’m planning on altering and using it for Its Too Cold to Go Alone, Take This! I’ll line the whole thing.
    • I lined the sleeves with black fabric, rather than doing a rolled hem at the edges.
  • It falls open in the front
    • So whatever I’m wearing underneath shows. That wouldn’t be a problem, except that I’m one of those people who enjoys wearing a comfy shirt under something nice to look dressy.
    • When I do it again I think I’m gonna do a zipper front.