Gamer Quilt Square: Piplup

Embroidery, pokemon

This is for my Favorite Games Quilt that I designed.

img_4745Piplup is my all time favorite Pokemon, partially because he was my first ever (the first Pokemon game I ever played was Pokemon Pearl back when you would walk into a physical Blockbuster’s Store and rent games) and partially because its just a really awesome Pokemon. Skip forward several years (about three months ago) and I was delighted to see that Dawn from the Pokemon TV series agreed with me and picked Piplup as her starter Pokemon!!

This square didn’t take me very long, I did it in about three episodes of Agents of SHIELD (I’m marathoning it with my mom) and two episodes of Ultimate Spiderman (I’m marathoning that by myself when my mom gets sick of watching AoS). Part of that was just checking reference images (for color) and trying to stop the cat from eating my yarn.

I’m really pleased with how it turned out, except for the dark blue on the top of his head. It just turned out a little bit more uneven than I would have liked. I also would have preferred to be able to fill in the beak, but after finishing his feet I was running out of that color, so I opted to stitch around it instead.

